Monday, 17 May 2010


I was researching resveratrol and it is amazing how many benefits it has been connected too. It is not only a powerful antioxidant but much more. Resveratrol (RSV) is a phytochemical found in the skin of grapes and particularly the red grapes. A phytochemical is a chemical that may affect the health but it is not considered an essential nutrient. RSV has been shown to positive effect on inflammation, platelet and as it has also been shown to have a phytoestrogen effect, it might help to prevent breast cancer caused by the oestrogen. Phytoestrogens have shown to inhibit cancer formation and growth, reduce cholesterol levels and have some benefits in preventing osteoporosis, especially after menopause. RSV is mainly known as powerful antioxidant which has been shown to help prevent the destruction of the vascular endothelium. RSV is high in red wine and this has been indicated to be the reason for the so called French paradox, where in certain region of France, people drink more red wine and the mortality from coronary heart disease is lower than any other region. RSV has also been shown (in animals studies) to increase aerobic capacity (energy created in the mitrochondria, which is part of our cells that make our energy). RSV induces the genes for oxidative phosphorylation and mitochondrial biogenesis and it has been shown to protect the animal against a diet-induces obesity and insulin resistance. So do we now start drinking a lot more of red wine or should we eat other healthy food which contains this nutrient. Well a glass of red wine a day might help, but more than that it starts to counteract the good effect of the RSV nutrients, so not worth drinking much more because of that. Eating red grapes might be good but too much of eat would give you a running for the toilet and feeling of bloating, therefore moderation on this too. RSV is made synthetically from the Japanese plant knotweed for the supplements production. Well I think drinking a glass of really good red wine few times a week, or everyday with your food, some grapes and maybe adding some supplements if there is a history of heart problems might have a good effect on preventing some of the disorders mentioned above.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Naet treatments for weight loss and allergies

Being overweight nowdays is a major issue, as there is an abundance of food around (in the more rich country) and less exercise or work of the adults and children. We sit at our desk most of the time, and the children after a school day they other play with the Nintendo ds or Xbox or whatever computer gadget they have. Most parents complain about their children being a bit overweight and the majority of the children that are overweight, have the same diets as the parents which is junk food, salty foods, no vegetables or fruits and lots of sweets and fizzy drink. Now for the majority of the overweight adults and children, as sedentary work and choice of food is the main problem. For some the hormonal glands are the problems (very rare though). For a lot of adults, emotions play a major part of their problems. For others is the choice of certain foods that they are allergic or intolerant too that they keep eating that leads to put on more weight that they would otherwise, even though they exercise 3 times or more a week. Let’s have a look at the more scientific problem with being overweight and/or obesity. Obesity is the modern lifestyle disease. The body mass index (BMI), is the measurements that the science use to see if a person or child is overweight or obese and at risk of physical problems due to the weight, such as heart disease, high cholesterol and or diabetes. A BMI of more than 25 is considered overweight and above 30 obese. Obesity seems to affect more women than men; there is a genetic susceptibility for obesity as well as lifestyle, dietary intake and lack of exercise (11, 13, 17). Many studies, therapist and doctors have been trying to find one solution for being overweight or obese. For example leptin has been identified as the obesity gene (ob). Leptin is expressed in the fat cells and codes for the protein leptin. It acts as a hormone in the hypothalamus, and it has shown to promote a negative energy balance by suppressing appetite and increase energy expenditure. Therefore a lack of ‘ob’ has been suggested to cause obesity in susceptible people (17). But unfortunately this is only for very few obese people, not many obese people have a deficiency of this gene, therefore all the other factors have to be accounted for before blaming the individual gene. Quite often obese people and children are malnourished, even though they consume a high amount of food, which is usually highly processed fats, refined carbohydrates and fizzy drinks that are empty calories food. Abdominal obesity (the so called apple shape) has been associated with elevated markers that are connected to heart diseases and strokes (11, 18). In this case the waist-hip ratio, as in the apple shape individual, has been shown to be more relevant in predicting the syndrome X disorder than the BMI factor (18). High oestrogen has been also connected to increase appetite and therefore increase in weight (11). Eating breakfast reduces total calorie intake and late night eating increases it, therefore breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day and an emphasis on not skipping it is important even if the person does not feel hungry. Usually once a person gets used to eating breakfast the evening meal might be lighter and therefore their appetite in the morning increases (11). In summary obesity should be addressed from every angle that include testing and assessing any body glandular disorders, good planned dietary intervention, addressing any nutritional deficiency, testing and eliminating allergies or intolerances, physical exercise that is suitable for the individual as well as emotional support (11, 13, 17). NAET is a method of testing and treating allergies, intolerances and sensitivities. I have treated children and adults with NAET and eliminated allergies and intolerances as well as some of the disorders that allergies and intolerances can cause, reduce asthma attacks, eczema, hayfever, headaches, fertility problems, candida and weight problems.

Maria Esposito BSc (Hons) NTCC - More on the therapy and the therapist on