Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Detox for a week with healthy eating

This can be tried by anyway that would like a bit of challenge and a chance to change their diet. Here is a week of healthy eating to see what difference it makes to your inside and outside.

Every day for – 7am till 9am - Breakfast with 4-5 strawberries, a palm full of blueberries, and blackberries, cherries two tablespoon of mixed nuts or seeds, and live organic yogurt (3 tablespoon).

Mid morning and afternoon snacks 11am and 3-4 pm: 2 nectarines or blueberries and blackberries with 1 pot of yogurt, or one slice of cantaloupe melon with two tablespoon of mixed seeds

Lunch 12pm -2pm: Salad with salmon, tuna, eggs or beans, or chicken with vegetables or a fistful of brown rice with beans, fish or chicken. Alternatively an omelette with mushroom or any other vegetable with salad can be made.

Dinners: 7-9pm – fish, chicken, beans or lean lamb with a lettuce mixed salad (heart of Romaine, rockets, Cos salads, carrots, celery, cucumber with 1 teaspoon of vinegar with one tablespoon of olive oil (cold pressed). Eat the salad before your dinner. With the protein have some leafy vegetables such as kale, pak choi, greens, spinach (slightly cooked)

Drink up to 2 litres of water away from your meals throughout the day. Walk for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour everyday (now that the weather is good, should not be a problem) and most of all enjoy the week.

One coffee or one tea a day only is allowed, no juices only fresh produce, no alcohol.


Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Heartburn and GERG

Many people and even some children suffer of heartburn or excess acid. Quite often what food and drink is consumed might make a huge difference and reduce the heartburn or high acidity. Here are some suggestions and facts about heartburn:
Triggers factors

• Heavy meals

• Lying down or bending after a meal

• Eating immediately prior to exercise

• Prior esophageal surgery

• Esophageal stricture (narrowing of the esophagus)

• Cigarette smoking

• Alcohol intake

Sign and symptoms

Heartburn -- a burning sensation under the sternum in the chest -- is the primary symptom of GERD. Heartburn often occurs after a meal and worsens at night, when you are lying flat. It is more likely to occur following a heavy meal, or if you bend, lift, or lie down just after eating.

Other symptoms of GERD include:

• Regurgitation of food

• Belching

• Nausea and vomiting

• Chronic cough, wheezing

• Sore throat, hoarseness or change in voice, difficulty swallowing

• Chest pain

Life style

• Avoid behavior that does not allow food to easily move down into and through the stomach. This includes bending, lying down, or participating in jarring exercises soon after a meal.

• Don't eat heavy meals

• Avoid acidic foods and drinks. These include caffeinated beverages, decaffeinated coffee, and orange juice

• Avoid alcohol, chocolate, spearmint, and peppermint. These can relax the low esophageal sphincter.

• Avoid carbonated beverages

• Avoid eating fatty foods, including full-fat milk, which also may relax the lower esophageal sphincter tone. Avoid fried foods.

• Citrus foods

• Take medication with plenty of water

• Lose weight if you are overweight

• Quit smoking

• Avoid cranberry juice

• Avoid Italian heavy food,

• Avoid Mexican foods

• Avoid Tomatoes

• Processed foods

• Sugar

• Drink a big glass of water when the reflux starts, - Chew well - Eat plenty of raw vegetables - Eat slowly - Do not eat 3 hours before going to bed


Monday, 5 July 2010

NAET for allergies and intolerances

Naet for allergies and intolerances is a treatments that many people do not much about it. Read more on my website


Thursday, 1 July 2010

Summer healthy desserts

Finally it is summer and as everybody else kids and adults would like something sweet and cold. Well there is a healthy desserts that can be done for both adults and kids. Home made ice lolly. You can buy the ice lolly mould at amazon. Buy the fresh seasonal fruits, such as cherries, berries, water melons, cantaloupe and mix them up in a blender you can add some yogurt or freshly squeezed lemon or orange juice and fill the mould. Put them in a freezer for about 6 hours and you have healthy desserts. You can also just make the smoothies if you do not fancy an ice lolly. But these desserts are very popular with children as they can help making them and they taste good as well as being healthy. .. Enjoy them.....