Thursday, 1 October 2009

vitamin c

I have been busy with a project and not paid much attention to my blog. But today while working on my project I read something about vitamin C. This is for people that wants to get everything from their food mainly but also for anyone that wants to improve their health. Vitamin C from food, as ascorbic acid, is mostly found in acerola foods, guavas, peppers, especially red chilli and red peppers, kale. Oranges have less vitamin C than the above foods but as usually is peeled and eaten straight away such as the other fruits, it is less destroyed before you eat it or juice it directly. But what mainly destroys vitamin C from the other foods, is heat, air, light. So to reduce the loss of the vitamin C what it can be done is the following: Try not to bruise the fruits when cutting them as that will release the oxidizing enzymes (the fruit start to get dark and lose its vitamin C). Put vegetables in boiling water, which will again destroy the oxidizing enzyme and preserve more vitamin C. Put a lid on the pan so that less air enters the cooking food. Steam the vegetables or boil them in a little amount of water. Avoid food at the supermarket that looks too green, as sodium bicarbonate might have been added to preserve the color and therefore destroy all the vitamin C. Avoid keeping the vegetables hotfor too many hours once they are cooked, such as the ones that are kept in restuarants. Fruit juices even the fresher ones will lose their vitamin C once the bottle or carton is open. The best way to get the most vitamin C, is to eat fresh fruits and raw vegetables and a variaty of them as well.

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