glutamate (MSG again)
Well after
3 years of being fine, again I went to meet my friends for a Chinese Christmas
party. The last two years were great and fine.
This year again the MSG in the Chinese Restaurant was too much and in
order to detoxifying it I had to take all the possible supplements to support
my phase two liver detox and intestinal tract and drink plenty of water. That
was not enough though as I had to treat myself for my migraines with
cranio-sacral therapy in order to balance my body and feel less like a pendulum
swinging from one side to another. It did work and I was fine. But it took me
about a week to get rid of the MSG and feel myself again. I started having a
knee ache that week as well, which it means the toxins were so much that my
liver was not quick enough to eliminate. Well that is only MSG but it can be
with any extra toxins during Christmas time, which can lead to headaches and
feeling foggy brain and low in energy. In fact some of these symptoms can also
be cause by sensitivities to food or drinks or any allergen. It really depends
a lot on how your intestinal tract is and how fast the liver can detoxifying…
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