Thursday, 9 September 2010

B vitamins and Alzheimers and homocysteine connection

Hey, finally there is prove that the B vitamins, especially B12, B6 and folic acid are beneficial in prevention of Alzheimer. But the homocysteine connection is also beneficial for the prevention of heart conditions, including reducing high blood pressure. Measuring the homocysteine level with a simple blood test will give an indication on how much B vitamins you need to take for how long and than keep maintaining a basic dose to keep you healthy. If you have a family history of dementia or Alzheimer it is worth to start early to keep it down and prevent it. And if you are older you can still take it and prevent any further damage by taking the B vitamins. Again a simple blood tests should be done. Some GP are very helpful and would send you for the test themselves. For the doctor is worth suggesting the tests and giving B vitamins as a prevention rather than spend much more later if the person gets either the Dementia or Heart problems.

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