Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Sunshine - reminder of importance of vitamin D

I just came back from Italy where my parents live and it is amazing what a difference in weather there is. It seems that you are in a different world altogether. The problem in England is that the luck of much sunshine can affect the mood and increase the risk of mould allergies or infections. August has been a very wet month and getting some sun on your body seems to warm up everything even the joints that start aching after so much humidity. Just to remind also people that from November till March/April in England the sun is not strong enough to give you the minimum amount of vitamin D that the body needs. So store up now and during the winter time take extra vitamin D or D3 for the elderly or people with kidney problems which is the active form of the vitamin D. Enjoy as much sun as possible now (the safer hours are up till 11am and after 3pm).


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