Monday 27 July 2009

what do vitamins and minerals do?

Not many people know what various vitamins and minerals do, so this will be an explanation of what the main vitamins and minerals will do and we will start with the one of the B vitamins. All the B vitamins are water soluble, which it means that they are absorbed easily and eliminated easily with water.
B1 (Thiamine), is found in legumes, meat, yeast and grains. B1 play a part in energy transformation (like most of the B vitamins), it also plays a role in the membrane and nerve conduction and has got a major role in the synthesis of the various sugars and fatty acids synthesis. Its deficiency causes the beriberi disease (thiamine) that causes loss of appetite, cardiovascular problems and neurological problems. Alcohol depletes vitamin B1, so if you are a heavy drinker make sure that you replace the B1 or other B vitamins too.

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